Chiropractic for professional musicians

  The Foundry Chiropractic is incredibly pleased to announce that Dr. Andrew Burd is the official chiropractor of the Nashville Symphony!

Chiropractic care is so important because musicians face rigorous schedules, repetitive postures and often have pain associated with their line of work. Meanwhile, the contribution of musician’s talents is paramount to the growth of arts culture here in Music City.

Therefore, Dr. Burd thoughtfully addresses unique playing postures and that allows for pain-free performances!

Much of Dr. Burd’s uniquely caring perspective stems from his own experiences as a classically trained violinist. Because musicians keep us energized and inspired, and we are proud to be able to back them up. You can’t pour from an empty cup!

We are grateful to the Nashville Symphony for trusting The Foundry Chiropractic & Upper Cervical to keep their musicians in top form.




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